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eLTER in a nutshell

Here we provide information about eLTER RI , the Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure.

The framework for the construction of eLTER RI based on all achievements of the European LTER since the 90’s is the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures ( ESFRI ). eLTER RI is now on the ESFRI Roadmap, the priority list of European Research Infrastructures ( project catalogue ).

To secure the implementation of the eLTER RI, the European Commission has approved two major, complementary Horizon2020 projects: eLTER PLUS (Advanced Community) and eLTER PPP (Preparatory Phase). The projects will provide a major boost through exemplary case studies at selected eLTER sites across Europe to test the current capacities (eLTER PLUS) and thereby trigger eLTER RI development (eLTER PPP) according to user needs.

The eLTER RI will comprise about 250 eLTER Sites and eLTSER Platforms from over 20 participating European countries. It will offer a wide range of European-level Central Services for different users, including access to sites and site data from multiple sources. eLTER RI will enable standard observations and analyses of the environment in a holistic manner, encompassing biological, geological, hydrological and socio-ecological perspectives.

Find information about eLTER at the eLTER website , e.g. if you want to know…

Get involved: National LTER networks and eLTER Sites and Platforms Forum

All 26 national LTER coordination teams are continuously engaged in the European eLTER ESFRI process and – up to now –  they are the key contacts and pivots for the respective national eLTER ESFRI processes. Your active engagement in your national LTER network is therefore critically for feeding into the concepts and decision making at eLTER level.

Sites and Platforms Forum (SPF) is a specific platform for eLTER Sites and Platform coordinators (SPCs) for communication and exchange directly with the eLTER team engaged in the European process or for establishing joint activities (e.g. training) as a peer group across countries.

Find more information and FAQ's at the eLTER wiki pages


Keep the entries for your sites in the DEIMS site and data registry up to date and find more (e)LTER sites and platforms you may cooperate with!

Communication and PR

  • Everything related to this topic can be found at Media center
  • Subscribe for quarterly eLTER Newsletter
  • Consider mentioning LTER and eLTER (if applicable) in publications, presentations etc.
  • We want to increase the visibility and awareness of eLTER! Detailed guidelines and examples on how to engage the public with your press release, news item or social media posts are provided for the eLTER teams, National Coordinators and the Site and Platform Coordinators in a Communication Handbook, with up-to-date information on how to handle communication in the best way.